December 30, 2011

1911 - brown paper packages tied up with string

The schedule is posted above the machine, materials are organized, and I'm looking forward to starting the sew along next week! I'm also happy because when I returned home after being away for week I found two packages waiting for me. The corsetry supplies I ordered from both King & Co. Corsetry, and Sew Curvy Corsetry arrived! As a reminder, the discounts offered to sew along participants expire January 15th, so do visit Caitlin and Julia's shops if you haven't gathered all you supplies and take advantage of the special offers while there is still time! Find all the information and promo codes here.

How has the pattern enlarging been going? There have been other ways to enlarge the pattern posted in the comment section so everyone should be able to find a technique that works if mine isn't your cup of tea. Thanks for all the suggestions, it's that commentary that will help the sew along be a success!


  1. Yay! I love packages, can't wait until mine get here. Just off to my Dad's office to do some enlarging on the copy machine now, so I should have a full-sized pattern soon!

  2. All done! The pattern enlarged very nicely, and I didn't have to do too much taping because I copied it onto 11" x 17" paper. Interestingly, the scale for enlarging it to original size turned out to be 160% on the copy machine. Makes me wonder if I got something confused during the initial "print-out-at-200%" stage.

  3. ماكينات تعبئة سكر نصف اوتوماتيك الحديثة

    مواد تصنيع عالية الجودة: مصنوعة من مواد مقاومة للصدأ وسهلة التنظيف، مثل الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ.
    تصميم صحي: مصممة لتقليل التلوث وسهولة التنظيف، مما يضمن سلامة المنتج النهائي.
    نظام أوتوماتيكي كامل: تشمل عملية التعبئة بالكامل من تعبئة الأكياس، الختم، والقص.
    اتصال ذكي: يمكن ربطها بأنظمة إدارة المصانع لضمان متابعة الإنتاج وتحسين العمليات.
