November 4, 2009

corselet fabric and garter grips

I broke down and bought fabric. 

It's a silk and rayon blend brocade. I love the chocolate and black colors, and the pheasant motif is most pleasing. The smooth brocade feels right for the corselet, since I want a slick fabric so a light, 20's flapper's dress will glide over it. I could probably use this fabric on it's own, it's feels heavy enough to do the job of a thin cotton broché, but I think I should back it with a lightweight batiste. Not for strength so much as for cleanliness. It seems wise to have a layer of cotton against the skin instead of the brocade. I don't think I'll fuse them together, just flatline. 

I also have the garter clips and grips.

I ordered these from Lara Corsets ebay shop. Yea, 1 5/8 inch garter grips.

I still have to do one more fitting with the mock-up to fit the gores, but then I can cut into my pretty new fabric!


  1. Those look nice. How heavy is the clasp? (Would it hold up wool socks, or is it just designed for sheer stockings?)

  2. They are designed for sheer stockings. A wool sock is too thick for the grip to push through the loop. I know, I tried. Too bad.

  3. It looks great =) Good luck with cutting into that lovely fabric! I always like to reach that stage of the process.

  4. I've had some luck finding garters at estate sales. I know it sounds a little strange, but original garters from the 50's, in packages, unused!
