November 18, 2010

a new use for napkins

Oh my goodness. Has it really been a month since I last posted? Time for more sewing and less sleeping.

I dug through my storage bins to see what suitable fabric I had for the 1844 corset and found a roll of uncut linen napkins that will be perfect. Here is a lovely out of focus image that captures some of the design and the checkerboard cutting line.

And here a close up of the selvedge side of the roll in its piled-in-the-box, un-ironed shape.

I found this fabric at a thrift store a couple years ago on a 50% off all linens table. The safety pinned on tag read, table runner $2. I laid down my dollar and waltzed away with 6 uncut, crisp and clean, damask napkins that I knew would eventually become a corset. At 22 inches wide and 124 inches long there should be enough to get the job done.

Yea! Back to corset work.


  1. That will be gorgeous! Yay for thrift store scores.

  2. Yay!!! I've missed your corsets! Can't wait (as always). Is your wrist better? And school? How is that? Oh, so many questions...
    Anyway, can't wait.

  3. Indeed corvustristis, yea thrift store scores!

    Jenny! The hand is fine, thank you. It took three months (!) for the swelling to go down completely, but it's tip top now. That means fine flossing work in the near future!

  4. hi, looking forward to seeing more of your corsets! This one (like all of them actually) sounds like it will be interesting to observe and beautiful when finished.

  5. Oh man do I ever miss US thrift store scores like that! I can't wait to see how you cut it out and match the pattern.
